Being with my family (or members of my family) makes my heart leap with joy because their warmth, acceptance, and loving spirit makes me feel safe, accepted, brave, and hopeful about life.

Being with my family fills my love tank. They bring hours of smiling, laughing, chatting about our life experiences. Even trying on each other’s clothes makes the cares of life fade away. Just like how an ice cube basking under the penetrating rays of the scorching August sunshine becomes completely untraceable  after several hours.

The collection of touches, hugs, hand holdings, and kisses assure my body that I am in a safe place, where I can expect gentleness and tenderness.

The intonations of the voices around me are filled with gentle joking, admiration, affirmation, spirited discussions, optimistic planning and anticipation of more gatherings!

The sounds of laughter, teasing, affirming and care bring peace to my heart and soul. The awareness of everyone’s light heartedness assures my mind that each person is in a good place, or at least unburdened.

Time at home with family includes the sweet aroma of warm, bowls of Farina, with hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter, welcoming us into a new day.  At dinnertime, the savory aroma of onions, green peppers, tomato paste, Adobo and butter beckons everyone to the kitchen for Mom’s delicious peas and rice recipe, from Panama.

Ahh…the sights, the sounds, the scents, the taste, and the joyful feel of. . . my family.

* By Culissa Peltier