Colossians 1:12 “… giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light… “

Oh to give thanks – it is so necessary this time of year. When we live a life of thankfulness in the Lord, what will that do in our lives?


Thankfulness provides a definitive trust to our heart. This means we can walk in the authority of what God can do. That kind of confidence in turn brings health to us and affirms who we are in Christ. Is this not nourishment to our souls which is our mind, will, and emotions? The Lord is kind to all and this kindness pours out through us to others. Finally, living a life of thankfulness plants the roots of stability of the Lord into our hearts.

Therefore, let’s make this time of year a meaningful time with family and friends. May we realize the necessity of giving thanks this season and beyond.

* By Lori Henson