We all have some goals…and so does God! Throughout His world, His goals for us are to love others, forgive, prosper, seek Him with our whole hearts, and many others. He wishes to bless us and not harm us, to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
There’s one that I came across in my devotion time from Hebrews 12:14 (CSB), “Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness – without it no one will see the Lord.” My first thought was, “Of course! I love peace!” But, the Holy Spirit prompted me to dig deeper. So, I backed up to the section’s subtitle which began at verse 3 and it said “Do Not Grow Weary.”
I wondered, What was I going to get weary of because I could already give God a whole list of what I’m tired of! Hebrews 12:3-4 in the Passion Translation puts it this way: “So consider carefully how Jesus faced such opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls, so that you won’t become worn down and cave in under life’s pressures. After all, you have not yet reached the point of sweating blood in your opposition to sin.” (Oh, wow, and ouch!) Verses 5 – 13 go on to talk about training, correction, discipline, transforming my character, and strengthening my weaknesses. Doesn’t this sound like a workout program!
I realize “pursuing peace” is not like going into Ross or TJ Maxx, finding your bargain of the year (Oh look! It’s Peace! In my favorite color! Thank You, Lord!), and you’re done. “Pursuing peace with everyone” is an ongoing process that requires effort! But wait, there’s more! “AND holiness”! Peace and holiness go hand in hand like God’s grace and mercy! (MIND BLOWN!!)
As you strive for God’s peace with everyone (the workout plan), you are also obtaining the holiness (defined muscles) that God wants you to walk out this life in Christ because “without which no one will see the Lord”.
So, we can’t see God without holiness and neither will the people who are not holy…unbelievers…What? :0 Our “spiritual fat” becomes a stumbling block for others seeing the love of God! Our unforgiveness, judgmental, religious/pious attitudes slow us down from pursuing peace and holiness. We hinder others from receiving the blood that was sacrificed for ALL our sin!
God, Help me to pursue peace with everyone. I want to be holy as You are holy. So please, open my eyes, show me where I have spiritual fat because I want to be a healthy and whole part of the Body of Christ. In Jesus’ Name
* By Donna Butler