Over the years, I have been under physical attack in my body for several medical issues.

  • A Neurologist for nerve pain
  • A Gastroenterologist for abdominal pain
  • A Cardiologist for a heart attack
  • A Dermatologist for skin issues
  • An Allergist for breathing problems
  • Urologist for, well urology stuff
  • A radiologist who provides and reviews diagnostic tests
  • An Oncologist for a cancer scare
  • Ophthalmologist for my eyes

A “Gist” for this and a “Gist” for that. The “Gist” of things is this; our healing does not come from these “Practitioners.”  We may look to a “special-gist” for whatever ails us BUT there is only one healer – The Lord God Almighty!

Call on Him. Tell Him all about your pain, sickness and illnesses. Psalm 6:2 says, “Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.” He may answer by  guiding you to seek a practicing “special-gist” for comfort and management. However, put your faith in Him for your healing. Psalm 41:3 says, “The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.”  His Word promises us that we shall be sustained and restored. That means comforted throughout our illnesses and restored from our sickbeds.

Though we may not know the manner or length of time of the comfort we’ll enjoy, we can trust and believe that He is faithful to His Word. Our restoration from our sickbeds may not look like what we imagine. Be rest assured that it will come. We will be restored, and I truly believe it will manifest just as soon as we clearly understand the “Gist of Things.” GOD is our healer, not the “special-gist”! 

“It wasn’t any herb or ointment that healed them but your word alone, Lord, which heals everything.” The Wisdom of Solomon 16:12

* By Brenda Johnson